Sunday, June 1, 2008

Insanity or Providence?

It started off like a regular first day of summer- sleep in, drink coffee for a long time, do whatever comes along. God was already making use of my car, my willingness, and my free time- one friend got picked up from the hospital, another got taken to the airport. After the airport I decided to walk the track as I often do in the evening, and I picked up a friend's dog for the exercise.

When I returned the dog, I sat and chatted with their company for a few minutes. One girl, a nurse from Canada, was visiting Africa with the MCC, and she was planning to climb Kilimanjaro starting Monday. She asked I wanted to come.


I don't have many other plans for the week, thanks to everything I've ever conceived of falling through. The IRS economic stimulus check would about pay for it. And it's a life dream of mine to climb Kili.

Starting tomorrow?!? With a stranger?!? With no training beforehand?!? Is this insane?

Or is this again evidence that God is the only keeper of the plan book, and I should trust Him and go with the doors He opens?

After a few semi-panicked phone calls, text messages, emails, and gmail chats, I'm going. Assuming God keeps this door open.

Either I'll write an eloquent post if it falls through tomorrow, or I'll put up some phenomenal pictures in a week. If you don't hear from me by Tuesday, please pray that I get to summit, that I develop good relationships with my traveling companions, and that I am safe and healthy throughout.

God's plans are always interesting, I'll give Him that...

1 comment:

Jill said...

Wowza! Seems like you must be climbing now. I hope it's crazy-fun. Waiting for pictures.