I have at least one Deep And Meaningful Blog Post simmering in my brain at the moment, but this isn't it. This is just a rundown of my weekend because I know you haven't heard from me lately.
Friday highlights-
1) The "Miss Gac Heart Spiderman" speech, which is an elaborate ploy to get middle schoolers to learn the integer multiplication rules. It begins with the attention grabber, "I am going to marry Spiderman when I grow up. Seriously." And then I've got 'em. =)
2) Friday afternoon frisbee: a dozen staff members, a handful of kids, a few gusts of wind, and one passionate-about-ultimate Language Arts instructor. I especially enjoy playing with my friend Scott Barnett, who was an amazing ultimate player back at Honey Rock, is still amazing, but has now developed the super-skill of throwing to the handful of kids so they can feel like champions.
3) Habesha. Ethiopian food is addictive, though the drive there can be a headache. My friend Chris R blew through a police checkpoint on our way home; how come _his_ car didn't get beaten on?
On to Saturday-
4) Sleeping in, then drinking lots of coffee. Possibly the best thing about Saturday.
5) Squeals of delight from a 4 year old when we go over speed bumps. The sound is worth the wear on the shocks. =) Jonathan Howard (Wheaton friend) and his wife Laurie recently moved here with their 2 boys to work at the embassy; we did errands and chatted they day away in their new car.
6) Snapple. Jon escorted me into the Commissary, which contained wonders like Spray & Wash, Kraft Mac & Cheese, Cheetos, and Peach Snapple. Wow. Pretty sure I got fatter just breathing the air.
7) Skype conversations with family and friends.
8) A quick trip to the vegetable market, when I realized that I'm now capable of making "quick trips" to places- it no longer requires significant energy to make every single decision.
9) Beautiful weather as we walked to church- blue sky, puffy white clouds, reminders that God is worth worshiping.
10) Being able to sing along when the pastor improv-ed into a Swahili song that wasn't on the powerpoint. There are little clues that I am learning after all. (I think this song only had about 4 words, though, so I shouldn't get too proud of myself).
11) Meal with the Chutes (new boss and family), plus Chris L. The Chute boys knew what goulash was and were exited about it; Chris got the glittery penguin plate, and he handled it with style. But really, who wouldn't appreciate the glittery penguin plate? Especially with goulash on it...
12) Work avoidance expressed through blogging. I should probably get around to preparing for tomorrow's Bible Study.
But what a great weekend- fellowship, rest, worship. Gets me psyched to talk about Spiderman again tomorrow.