Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Adventures with Doug

I'm waiting for Mr. Thacker to get back from the coast so I can post his pictures of us climbing Mt. Longonot in record time, but here are some other Los Alamos-meets-Kenya pictures to hold you over.

Six of us headed into the Aberdare mountains for safari, picture taking, and general adventure. We stayed at The Ark, a lodge built by a waterhole and salt lick. Never before have I been awakened at 3 AM to the sound of elephants trumpeting... Wendy and I headed out to the viewing deck and watched tiny baby elephants hide under their mamas. Pretty cute.

The group, with the lodge in the background

The Aberdares

Giraffe and Mt. Kenya- I hope this never feels ordinary to me.

Doug walking towards some warthogs. We _tried_ to tell him they weren't razorbacks.

Pretty girls and the shadows of the people who want to take pictures of them

Cape buffalo sparring
Manicured beauty, but beauty nonetheless

A gregarious impala

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ann-Kristine told us that there are wart hogs in Germany. Maybe Doug wants to go there next...?
We saw Mike Weaver at a Xmas party in D.C. yesterday (Tues), and he said that he'd just seen Doug at church; Mike was shocked that he was in Kenya already! That guy gets around...
Cape buffaloes? I thought they were water buffaloes. Everybody needs one!
Can't wait to see you in America soon!