Monday, December 8, 2008

Looking Good. And Mennonite.

I've been a bit appearance-conscious this week. Like I wrote last post, I recently bought a bunch of clothes that actually fit me, so I've gotten lots of compliments. Last Saturday night was the staff Christmas banquet, and I wore my "hot red dress." It's not wildly inappropriate; it's just a bright red cocktail dress that I tried on as a joke and then loved enough to bring to Africa. I have a theory that the reason the Polish flag is red and white is that Polish women look great in those colors and the men of the country designed the flag as a ploy to get them to wear 'em.

Anyway, red dress. Good.

But Sunday morning, laundry hadn't been done this week, so I chose a long dress I hadn't worn in a while simply because it was clean, I put a cardigan over it, and headed off the the monthly Hymn Sing at the Mennonite Guest House.

After the hymn singing, we stand around and schmooze over coffeecake. One father was making small talk with me, and commented that I "looked Mennonite"- is that how I ended up at Rosslyn? (Mennonites are part-owners of the school).

I absolutely don't know how to take that. I look Mennonite? Now, I'm certain he meant it as a compliment- he himself is Mennonite, and several people have mentioned that his wife and I look a bit alike. And I'm not necessarily insulted; there are plenty of things in Mennonite theology that I agree with and appreciate. But to look Mennonite? What does that mean? And it makes me wonder- did I look Mennonite the night before, in the cocktail dress? Hm. What other Mennonite women do I know? My sister-in-law is a hot Mennonite chick. I know it's possible.

But I still really don't know what to think of that comment.


Anna said...

"As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain..." Oh, yes, you know the song! "We've been spending most our lives, livin in an Amish paradise!"
That's a funny story- looking forward to hearing your stories in person real soon!

Addie said...

Hmm. I'm not sure how I would take that comment either. I also can't think of any kind of similar comparison that would even make sense.

You look Christian? You look Methodist? You look coffee (hey, for some people, that IS religion)?

Enjoy your Christmas!